First United Methodist Church has a long tradition of nurturing Christian faith through worship, local and global outreach, music education, family and children programming, caregiver support, and partnerships with local organizations for nearly 175 years. Our legacy touches thousands of individuals: members, friends, families, and groups in the Gainesville community who are welcomed into our church home weekly. First United Methodist Church strives to be the place where people congregate to do God’s work.
Under Our Roof and Beyond Our Walls is our final phase of the First UMC Capital Campaign The Master's Plan that started in 2006. This phase of the campaign is designed around a three-year commitment to fund projects that will repair significant structural issues in the church as well as enhance the quality of our fellowship, worship, and program experiences. Critical and essential renovations, as well as ongoing maintenance projects, to our building are estimated at $1,750,000. We know that bearing witness to Christ, the Light of the world, goes beyond the walls of our church and in turn, must radiate out into our community! Generous hearts are needed to care for and adapt our building, as we conceive new ways to take the light of Christ to those outside.
We ask everyone whose life is touched by the ministries of our church to support this initiative in order to continue First UMC’s legacy of serving the community and the world.