Ministry Leadership Opportunities

First UMC's Nominations and Leadership Development Team is planning for the next year of ministry! Do you have spiritual gifts, skills, experience, and passion for service that could be put into action on one of these teams in the coming year?  If so, please review the team descriptions below, then let us know your area(s) of interest using the form at the bottom.

Team Descriptions

Church Council
Central decision-making body in the life of the church. Responsible for partnering with pastors and staff in pursuing a comprehensive plan for ministries that is focused on the mission, vision, goals, and core values of the church. Evaluates effectiveness and needs of ministries on an ongoing basis. Annually approves the church budget.
Finance Team
Review and evaluate the financial health of the church on an ongoing basis. Assist in implementing opportunities that help members of the congregation grow in generosity as an expression of faith. Annually recommend a comprehensive budget to the Church Council for approval. Ensure the implementation of policies that provide accountability and maintain a high level of confidence in fiscal practices.
Planned Giving Team
Oversee and grow First UMC’s endowment. Promote and encourage legacy giving as a means to contribute to the short and long-term support and expansion of the church’s ministries. Provide educational opportunities to the congregation regarding estate planning.
Staff-Parish Relations Team
Encourage, strengthen, evaluate, nurture, and support the work of the pastors and staff. Work closely with the pastors to implement a staffing plan that meets the needs and outreach of the church for pursuing mission, vision, and core values. Recommend the annual SPR budget to the Finance Team. Encourage opportunities for persons to respond to a call to ministry. Evaluate and recommend lay preachers and candidates for ordained ministry.
FUMPers Advisory Board
Support the preschool and its mission as a ministry and outreach of First UMC. Work closely with the Director to set and evaluate preschool bylaws, policies and procedures, schedule, and calendar. Also assist in developing annual budget, identifying space needs, pursuing grants, offering scholarships, and monitoring program expectations, specifically goals and mission of the ministry. Support and affirm the preschool staff team in accordance with the Employee Handbook of First UMC.
Oversee care of all real property (including land, buildings, equipment, and furnishings) belonging to First UMC with oversight of repairs and renovations per the guidelines of the UM Book of Discipline. Ensure that First UMC meets accessibility requirements. Maintain a disaster plan for the church and congregation and implement as needed.

Interest in
Ministry Leadership Teams

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