Ways To Serve

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

We believe the light of Jesus shines most brightly when our God-given time and talents are shared in service to others. No one is too young or too old to serve through our ministries on our campus, in our community, and around the world. Learn more about how you can volunteer to assist others with the support that they need.

Ministry Areas
where you can serve

Interested in serving on a Ministry Leadership Team?
Check out the Ministry Leadership Team Opportunities page.

Congregational Care and Hospitality Ministries

Congregational Care and Hospitality Ministries provide love and support during the joys and trials of life.

Prayer Team
First UMC believes in the power of prayer and we have a dedicated team of laity who receives prayer requests and then prays for those concerns in their own time and way. 
Prayer Blanket and Shawl Ministries
This ministry makes sewn or knit prayer blankets and shawls for those going through a difficult time as tangible reminders of God’s presence with them.  Volunteers provide the blankets to Janet Rocap who coordinates the distribution of these special gifts.
Visitation Team
Provides visits to those who are in the hospital, a long-term care facility, or homebound. Holy communion is provided, upon request.
Meal Team
Provides meals to support those in times of challenge, like sickness or grief, or times of joy, like the birth of baby.
Faith Family Card Ministry
Sends cards to offer words of encouragement to those who may need an extra “boost”, or for no reason except to say “we care”.
Family Life Team
Provides hospitality for various church-wide events throughout the year. They also care for families who have lost a loved one by providing funeral/memorial service receptions in our Fellowship Hall. 
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are trained members of our faith family who act in support of our Pastoral Care Team to deepen, expand, and extend the caring capacity of our church. Stephen Ministers walk with the person down the path to greater wholeness, providing regular emotional and spiritual care, and support for as long as the person needs it.
Sunday Hospitality Team
This team provides refreshments and a smile after Sunday worship. 
Welcome Ministry
This group welcomes first time visitors and provides a follow-up contact after their visit. They also provide a friendly face for First UMC at various community events.
Church Office Volunteer
Assist in the  church office by welcoming visitors, answering the phone, and various clerical tasks as needed.

Mission and Justice Ministries

These ministries focus on providing for those who are under-resourced and/or marginalized in our local communities and around the world.

Community Outreach Ministry
Community Outreach Ministry volunteers work directly with individuals and families from the local community who are in crisis. The volunteers  meet with them at the church and provide assistance with needs such as gas cards, bus passes, eviction relief, utilities disconnection, and a variety of other individual or family needs. 
Metcalfe Elementary School Partnership
Metcalfe serves a high percentage of children who fall well below the poverty line and is a Title 1 school located less than two miles from First UMC.  Volunteers help in an ongoing capacity doing a variety of things based on their interests like reading to students, helping in PE, testing multiplication facts, assisting with administrative and other necessary tasks.
Monday Meal
Volunteers prepare and serve a meal every Monday at 4:00 p.m. for those who are homeless and/or hungry. 
Reconciling Ministries
As a Reconciling Ministries Congregation, we are committed to the welcome and affirmation of our LGBTQ+ siblings in all times and all places. Volunteers assist at community events like the Gainesville Pride Festival and other such opportunities that arise throughout the year.
Family Promise
Family Promise provides homeless children & their families with care that includes education, case management, meals, housing and transportation. First UMC shelters up to four families for a week four times a year. Volunteers are needed to transform classrooms into family "bedrooms" as well as provide meals and other things that help all who are staying with us feel at home.  

Worship Ministries

These ministries support worship held at the church and both adults and children are encouraged to be involved.

Greet folks, hand out worship guides, etc.
Acolytes are usually children in the 2nd - 8th grades. Up to 2 acolytes per service are needed for lighting the candles and carrying the processional cross.
Pew Patrol
This ministry collects the Connection Cards after the service and ensure that the pew supplies are restocked for the next worship service.
Altar Guild
This ministry ensures that the altar and Chancel area is ready for the worship service and includes such things as filling the candles with oil, changing the altar cloths, preparing for Communion, etc.
Offering Counter
This ministry works with the church Finance Manager to count and document the received offerings.
Communion Server
We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and this team of volunteers helps to serve the communion elements.
Tech Support
This ministry provides technical support during the worship service in the areas of  the audio system, camera operation, video production, and streaming services.
Worship Arts
This ministry provides alternative arts for the worship service such as drama, dance, painting, etc.

I'm Interested in Helping with Worship Ministries!

Music and Worship Arts Ministries

Please visit our Music and Worship Arts Ministries page to see all the ways you can be involved at First UMC musically.
Contact Michael Ekbladh, our Director of Music Ministries if you have any questions, are interested in joining a group, or want to start one yourself!

Adult, Youth, Children, and Family Ministries

These are ministries with a focus on a specific age group.

Growth Group Facilitator
Lead or help to lead an existing or brand new Growth Group
Special Event Planner or Volunteer
Be involved with special events at First UMC. We have events geared for adults, families, and children. Based on your talents and desires, you can be the big honcho and handle the planning and/or logistics, work on a team planning the event, or simply volunteer where needed for the event. 
Sunday School Volunteer
Help with our children or youth Sunday School programs on a rotating basis. We provide all the materials you need for each class.
Nursery Volunteer
Volunteer to care for our children in the nursery during Sunday School and/or worship.
Holiday Marketplace Volunteer
Help the Holiday Marketplace Group prepare for our yearly missions and ministries fundraising event through crafting, sorting, organizing, or whatever your talent is!

I'm Interested in Helping with these Ministries!

Handy Helpers

Support our church maintenance efforts by doing tasks such as painting, hanging new blinds, yard work, cleaning, etc.

Questions about volunteering?