Care and Support

This page lists the ministries at First UMC where you can find care and support for yourself or others.

Congregational Care

Responding to God's call to care for one another, the First UMC faith family serves one another in a wide variety of efforts.

Prayer Requests

Prayer, especially when shared with another or with many, is incredibly powerful. First UMC has a dedicated team of laity who receives prayer requests and then prays for those concerns in their own time and way. 


If you have a need during this prolonged time of the pandemic, such as getting groceries or medications,  a doctor visit, or simply would like someone to talk to, or you know of someone who does, the COVID Care Team will find a volunteer to try to meet your needs. 

Prayer Blankets

If you or someone you know is in need of a physical reminder of prayer, our Prayer Blanket Ministry makes them available.
These ministries have a primary focus of caring for those in our community and around the world.

Community Outreach Ministry

Our Community Outreach Ministry is staffed by teams of volunteers working to assist individuals and families in crisis.

Monday Meal

A hot meal is provided every Monday at 4:00 p.m. by a team of volunteers for those who are homeless and/or hungry.

During the pandemic, our meals are being served at the Helping Hands Clinic located at 509 NE 1st Street.

Monday Worship and Communion

Each Monday at 3:30 p.m., a brief worship service is held for anyone wishing to attend. Holy Communion is offered each week.

Due to the pandemic, we are not able to provide worship and communion at this time.

Helping Hands Clinic

Every Monday starting at 2:30 p.m., our mission partner provides comprehensive health services, clothes, and a meal for those in need in our community. The clinic is located next to First UMC at 509 NE 1st Street.

Women Empowerment Program

This program is part of the services offered by the Helping Hands Clinic providing a safe, welcoming, and supportive social environment for women.

Due to the pandemic, this program is offered at the same time and location as the clinic services.

Support Groups

Support groups  provide a safe place for those who are journeying through grief, combating illness, going through divorce or separation, caring for family members, or experiencing any of life's challenges. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, support groups are not meeting at First UMC.

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