How the Coronavirus
is afecting Us

Updated 12 July 2021

We have revised the Safety Protocols for First UMC and will continue to live-stream our worship services so you can continue to worship with us online. Here are some things you need to know about our on-campus worship:
Safety Protocols
  • Registration for Sunday worship will no longer be required; however, we ask that you continue to stop by the Welcome Table in the Narthex before you enter the Sanctuary so we can greet everyone personally and make note of who’s in attendance.
  • Masks for persons who are fully vaccinated (i.e., at least two weeks past their final vaccine shot) are optional, including during worship. However, anyone who is more comfortable wearing a mask, whatever their vaccination status, is encouraged to do so.
  • Congregational singing during worship is now allowed.
  • You may sit anywhere you choose in the Sanctuary with no social distancing requirements.
  • Out of love and concern for our families with children, who because of their age do not yet have the opportunity to be vaccinated, we ask ALL adults (other than immediate family) to wear masks indoors whenever you are within 6-feet of children (so please keep a mask with you).
  • Persons who are not yet fully vaccinated should continue to wear masks indoors, both for their own safety and the safety of others.
  • In small group, indoor settings where all participants have been fully vaccinated, food and drink may be served.
  • In small group, indoor settings where all participants have been fully vaccinated, singing together is permissible.
  • Hand sanitizer will be widely available.

  • We always welcome persons who wish to volunteer to help before or after worship. You do not need to serve every week, but on your schedule.
  • Please use the button below for a description of what each position entails and to sign up (myFirst login needed), or contact Gina Britton.
Sunday School and Nursey
There will be on-campus Sunday School for adults with nursery available for infants-5 years during Sunday School and worship. Haley Gonzalez will serve as our paid nursery attendant and will be accompanied by one volunteer.
 As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact the church by email at
or leave a message at 352-372-8523!
The church office is open with new COVID-19 safety protocols in effect. The new Office Hours to serve the public are Mondays through Thursdays, 10 am to 2 pm. The staff are continuing in their regular duties both on site and while working from home.

Donations for Helping Hands Clinic or Holiday Marketplace can be dropped off at the church  during office hours, or by special arrangement by calling the church office.

FUMPers  will continue to follow their existing COVID protocols through the end of this school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lorin Winters at

First UMC needs your support for our continuing missions, ministries, and staff. We still need to pay to maintain our facilities and the salaries of the church staff during these times. Financial giving can be done easily online via our web site at, or through the First UMC mobile app. You may also want to consider signing up for automated giving of your tithe/offering! If you need assistance with setting this up, please call the church office at 352-372-8523 or by contacting Linda Madden at

If you are not feeling well...

  • First, remember that you are precious and beloved, and we want to make sure you are okay! Seek medical attention as needed and take care of yourself!
  • Second, let the church know that you are ill, so that we can be praying for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.
  • Third, stay home as you care for yourself. Your health is far more important than any program, project, meeting, or service! Don’t worry, we’ll be here when you’re feeling better!

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