Intention and Action

Mar 5, 2025    Pastor Beth Snarr

In this Lenten sermon series, we will study the stories and parables that defined Jesus’ final chapter in ministry. The story of Lent is a story of messy middles. Jesus is on the road, but he’s not there yet. Jesus is telling stories, but the crowds don’t understand. Jesus is leading a parade, but it’s not the one they expected. Jesus is risen, but the disciples can’t forget the cross. The story of Lent, the story of our faith, is a story of messy middles and nuanced surprises. So this Lent, we are remembering that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false storytelling. This Lent, we are wading into the middle of these sacred texts to find God and to stretch our own understanding and we hope you’ll join us. Welcome to an in-between Lent. This is the light before the dawn.

On this Ash Wednesday, we join Jesus as he “sets his face toward Jerusalem.” As Jesus makes his way toward Jerusalem, he is approached by people from local towns who promise to follow him. Jesus’ response is harsh, but urgent. He needs real commitment. He needs disciples who are willing to be rejected and persecuted— and who will embody hope, compassion, and peace along the way. It becomes apparent that these potential disciples aren’t quite ready for the task at hand. And so, as Lent begins, let us also ask ourselves: are we ready? Are we willing to be transformed? Will our actions reflect our best intentions?

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