It’s our careful attention to safety during this time of pandemic that allows us to gather on our campus again and we appreciate your grace and patience as we implement our on-campus worship plan.
Why do I need to register to come to worship?
You don't need to register, but we do need contact information for those who attend in the event that someone at the service gets COVID-19 and we need to perform contact tracing. Registering on-line before you come to church will save you time on Sunday.
What other safety protocols will I need to follow?
- Everyone will be required to wear a mask at all times indoors or outdoors while on our campus unless eating or drinking. We wll not be serving weekly refreshments for now.
- You will need to practice social distancing of 6 feet with people not in your immediate family or "pod". This includes seating in the Sanctuary so worshippers will be seated by ushers before the service to ensure everyone is socially distanced and will be dismissed by row following the service.
- Hand sanitizer will be widely available and everyone is encouraged to use it.
- Worshippers will be seated by ushers before the service and dismissed by row following the service.
- We ask you to not sing in worship.
Wait! No singing?
Due to the abundance of research on singing as a “super-spreading behavior”, we ask that you do not sing in worship. We invite you to worship through music by meditating on the words of the songs in a worshipful way or you may whisper or hum under your mask, but we ask that you please do not sing.
Can I still park in the rear lot and enter through Epworth Hall?
Sorry, but everyone will need to enter through the main Sanctuary doors after checking in at the registration table.
But this shouldn't apply to my, I'm vaccinated!
Please remember that even though you are vaccinated, the vaccines do not have 100% efficacy and you can still catch the virus, and it has not yet been determined if you can spread the virus to others. So in order to protect those worshiping with us who have not yet been vaccinated, we ask that you "do no harm" and adhere to the safety protocols.