On-Campus Worship

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s our careful attention to safety during this time of pandemic that allows us to gather on our campus again and we appreciate your grace and patience as we implement our on-campus worship plan.
Do I need to register to come to worship?
You don't need to register to attend on-campus worship, but we do ask everyone to stop by our Welcome Table located in our narthex to let us know you're here and to pick up the Worship Guide. For Sundays with communion, you will also get your communion elements here.
What other safety protocols will I need to follow?
  • Wearing a face mask for fully vaccinated persons is optional while on our campus. However, since our children cannot be vaccinated yet, we ask that you put on a mask when you are near a child that is not in your immediate family or "pod".
  • If you are not vaccinated, we ask that you wear a face mask at all times while on our campus.
  • We will still be blocking off some seating to practice social distancing since not everyone worshiping with us will be vaccinated. We will continue to be dismissed by row following the service.
  • Hand sanitizer will be widely available and everyone is encouraged to use it.
Can we sing on-campus?
Yes! We are no longer restricting singing only to those online or the on-campus choir.
Can I park in the rear lot and enter through Epworth Hall?
Yes. We are no longer restricting access to our campus and you can enter by any door. We ask everyone to stop by our Welcome Table located in our narthex before the worship service begins to let us know you're here and to pick up the Worship Guide. 
But this shouldn't apply to my, I'm vaccinated!
Please remember that even though you are vaccinated, the vaccines do not have 100% efficacy and you can still catch the virus, especially with the Delta variant becoming dominant. So in order to protect those worshiping with us who have not yet been vaccinated, we ask that you "do no harm" and adhere to the safety protocols.

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